Operation – RNY Gastric Bypass
I really could eat whatever I wanted without putting on weight until about the age of 15. Looking back I realise that it wasn’t so much what I ate but the portions I ate. I was an emotional eater. I turned to food whether happy or sad, hungry or not.
Over the past 25 years I have tried every diet possible and admit that during a real low point in my early twenties I tried some extremely harmful methods of trying to lose weight. I spent a fortune on personal training for two years, but looking back now I realise that until I could control my destructive eating habits and unhealthy attitude towards food, I was throwing money down the drain.
I was an emotional eater. I turned to food whether happy or sad, hungry or not.The turning point came four years ago when I started my own company. Although all promotions showed me smiling, my self confidence was at its lowest. It was time to take steps.
My doctor referred me to Mr Van den Bossche who talked to me about my eating habits and the options available to me. He suggested a gastric bypass, an operation that was performed by keyhole surgery. At this stage I was 17.5 stone and wearing a size 20 clothes. It took just six months for seven stone to drop off and for me to be able to buy my first pair of size 10 jeans. I now eat like a slim person and make my food choices on a quality over quantity.
Three years down the line, the three small scars are barely noticeable. I have used the operation as a tool to help me overcome my obsession with food, following a healthy diet on a ‘little and often’ basis and rarely get to the hungry stage.
I now eat like a slim person and make my food choices on a quality over quantity.I have loads of energy, run on the cliffs and attend yoga classes. I now look forward to the next party and I’m more than happy having my photo taken, I guess the only downside is the fortune I have spent on a new wardrobe. I’m so grateful to both my doctor for listening to me, and Mr Van den Bossche for helping me get my life back. This is the best gift I have ever given myself.
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